Does clomid cause defects

Clomid (clomiphene citrate) for treatment.
Can clomid cause birth defects ?.
clomid and birth defects? - Fertility /.
Research has found that maternal exposure to certain teratogenic chemicals and drugs such as the fertility drug Clomid during pregnancy may significantly increase the
Clomid and Birth Defects - LoveToKnow:.
CDC Links CLOMID With Birth Defects |.
is it true that clomid raises your chances of having a baby with birth defects?
Includes: what is clomid?, and clomid and birth defects.
94 out of 6500 took Clomid to help them get pregnant. Of the 94 mothers who took Clomid 36 gave birth to infants with birth defects. Something is wrong here.
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When is clomid useful? Some women fail to become pregnant after tubal reversal surgery because they do not ovulate regularly. The cause may be that their pituitary
The question is however does clomid cause birth defects or does women who can't have babies without it cause defects? I am not going to say I'm well educated on the
Does clomid cause defects
Clomid may cause birth defects such as.
How does Clomid affect pregnancy?.
25.02.2010 · Best Answer: the clomid can have that side effect. or you could also be about to ovulate, which can also cause breat tenderness. opks are not always
Does clomid cause defects
CDC Links CLOMID With Birth Defects |. Does Clomid cause birth defects? Is it.
17.09.2007 · Best Answer: Ive never heard of birth defects and Clomid.. if anything I think it helps to produce more than one follicle and hopefully the one that takes
I had a mc in july.. I was 18wks but my son alex was only 16wks.. Im just wonder if clomid can cause birth defect.. He had a low heart beat so Im guessing he had a